Sunday, July 30, 2006

When I first woke up this morning, Scoot was rearranging my bedroom as she always does when she wants to wake me up. I shoo her away, close the door and stick a pencil in the crack so she can’t head-butt the door back open as she has learned how to do. I go back into my morning sleep feeling the pains from the night before take over my head.
Me and Scoot
When I finally get up I make my way for the living room to watch my Sunday starter TV and I noticed that Tony left the side door open with the screen closed. Nothing clicked into my head until an hour after sitting on the couch and thinking “where is that damn cat?”
I knew what had happened after I shook the bag of kitty food and the running sound of a joyous little orange Scoot never came. Possibly when Tony left he didn’t remember to slam the door shut and she pawed the door opened and walked right outside. I was in horror as I bolted outside barefoot looking around the house for any trace of her stripes. I also had a major hangover that wasn’t helping at all.
Isn’t that always the way? You go out and party a little too much the night before and the cat gets out in the moments of confusion. Last time she got out I had just returned from printing up a pile of “LOST CAT” flyers to discover she was only in the lobby of the house under some junk in the hallway. This time was worse since she was outside and I had no idea for how long. I also had to go to work at the gallery that afternoon and I was sluggish looking for her in the heat with my head pounding.
When I got back in, Amanda Mae and Justin were just getting up and I told them what had happened. Mae took one look at me and advised a cold shower and to get better clothes on if I plan to walk around the hood looking for Scoot. I agreed and sat under the running water for 20 minutes sobbing.
I had just created silly cat drawings in my sketchbook where Scoot and I go on fuzzy kitty adventures and the mere though of these doodles depressed me. I had them stuck up on the fridge so I couldn’t bring myself to make breakfast since I would have to look at them. I just left her food out in case I was crazy and she was just hiding in a closet and lurched off to work looking under and past things for a bolt of orange fuzz.
I looked how I felt today at the gallery. I was alone for a long time in the store so I hid myself in the basement and cried. Its not the best work ethic, but it was the only thing I could do for the first hour at work. All day I half expected Scoot to be waiting by the window when I came home meowing for dinner half to say, “Hey hey pretty lady- I waited for you to come home and now its time to eat!” I thought wouldn’t it be silly if Scoot was to walk down Main Street only to come visit me at work to cheer me up and I could show her the luxury of air conditioning.
When 5 came, I walked the Queen Street way turning my head and looking everywhere. Robin was outside on her porch when I told her that I had lost Scoot. Stuart was outside too and commented that he had never seen my face drawn so long before ever and that the two of them would keep an eye open if they saw her. I ran inside my apartment and checked the bowl- still full. No Scoot. It was time to have another walk around the block to see if I could find her.
The sun was coming down and I was exhausted from my searching. Every 10 minutes I stood outside on my porch looking off in the distance for any traces of Scoot. My dad was calling me every 10 minutes and I was too depressed to answer the phone and too wise to tell him the bad news. I just sat on my couch and kept my eyes burning a hole into the screen door half expecting her to start pawing at it.
Then, as if I was half dreaming, half going insane from my day, I saw a tuff of orange come close to the door and a faint meow. I got up quickly and peered over the screen and there was a very dirty Scoot looking back at me with this puzzled and frightened look. I opened the door and she backed off and hissed. I cooed at her and said it was alright and she came bounding into the living room. I closed the door and walked up to her to give her a good one over- where ever she was it was dirty and whatever she was doing it must have taken her for a real wacky ride because she was both happy and pissed off at the same time. I gave her fresh food and cooed her to eat it and after a while she was purring and I was brushing her clean with a brush.
When Scoot came back it was if everything clicked back the right way and my day had really started. It may sound silly, getting sad over a cat running away, but I love my Scoot and I consider her part of my family. Since day one I have been the only thing there for her, giving her a home after being thrown away in a plastic bag and making sure she’s fed, cleaned and she’s rushed to the vets when she gets sick. I have carried her bleeding in my arms across town when she was in pain, asked my boss for fanatical help when she was sick, ran home every day at lunch at the old job to check up on her as a kitten and even bundled her up in a pillow case to bring to my moms house when mom was sick so she wouldn’t feel alone. Scoot will always be a meanie and will bite people and give them sassy attitude, but I love her and I will for always and I forgive her every night when she curls up next to me in bed and purrs in my ears.

@ Sunday, July 30, 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

It turns out you were easier to forget then I thought. How did it get easy? It just happened after every semi copy of you I encountered disenchanted me. I found out that there was nothing in particular that made you special since it doesn’t take a spark of extraordinary to be a jerk. It did take me several years to find out for myself how typical you were down inside. You even dress normal now. Everything about you is typical, boring and uninteresting. What have you done in the years you left me in this place to make me want to say those things again?
My eyes swell up behind the falling rain and JR hands me another cigarette, blocking the image of his face out of view with the cardboard packaging. You were done in only 5 seconds by advertisements of pleasure mixed with bleak yellow-light warnings along the horizon.
You are still pathetic, as always.
JR and I tear off into the darkness, our sneakers scraping pavement, orange lights guide our way, watch out! Watch out! Its 2006, the smog is in a haze, its suburbia and the crowds are lingering for their chance of escape- watch them as they run on by as bandits lost in faded 35mm negatives towards the center of the reason to “how we get there is half the message.” Look away for one moment, gone- who was there- look back again, its JR and ahPook returning home from another evening of a day spent not doing much of anything.

@ Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

“Can I offer you a French Fry, little Sister?”- Early 80’s McDonalds commercial.

Part of my childhood was watching a lot of bad-for-you TV propaganda. The best were the McDonalds ad’s about French Fries. I can remember this one which used to be in constant repeat during CBS’s cartoon showcases that featured an older brother looking back at his life long relationship with his sister and how McDonalds played a huge part in their growing up. In every memory, he would walk up to his little sister with a French fry as if to taunt her with it. As the song jingles on, so do the years and now little sis is at her graduation and they are all out at McDonalds celebrating and he (comically) holds up a French Fry at her and she blushes. OH YOUZ!
In my life I remember the same scene happening only my brother was pelting me with them which brings me into the reason for boring you with the first story.
There was this other McDonalds ad with the same theme in it- little sis and big bro. This one was the 80’s Christmas Spectacular and as Canadian as they can get they go to the local ice rink with childhood friend Ronald McDonald. Little sis is too small to play and she walks off all sad to go whine at the peculiar animated woodland creatures. Big bro feels bad, takes a stand and runs back to her. A COMPROMISE WAS MADE! Next scene, little sis is working the goal with a stupid smile on her face and the clown laughing it up.
You know why he’s laughing? Because every older brother knows that the only thing little sis is good for in hockey is to stick in the net so she makes funny noises when pucks fly at her head. Go ahead- ask any little sister and they will tell you of their own stories of getting stuck in that net while her brother and his friends laugh and take slap shots at her skull.
I think it’s why little sis’s grow up to be better hockey players in the end. Every other hockey player in the world can’t be as scary as their goony older brother cheating.
And thus we have the logic behind the painting I did a few months ago, Hockey Lesson on Mill Pond. It is a classic big bro and little sis in an argument over taking the net or playing figure skater.

It wasn’t always going to be that. Tony came over here one night and insisted I paint a night scene. I thought in my head what my happiest Milton night memory from my childhood was (since we didn’t want a red smear blur if I took it from my teens). The only one I could get was the Winter Fest where we could skate on the Mill Pond at night- the first time I ever skated on a pond and at night. Back then, Milton was still fairly small so when you got really far back on the pond the stars twinkled above your head and you were surrounded by large black blobs of sound halting energy. It also smelt like rotten eggs- but I think that was the frozen pond itself.
I love to play hockey, not as much as I like to play Frisbee, but its right up with tobogganing in the winter time. Next time I see my brother lurching that hard walk down the street, I should pelt him with French Fries- see how he likes it and if he remembers.

@ Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I am a painter, I eat, sleep, talk. I slack, I do housework. I write stories, I watch TV, use the computer.
I hail from Milton, my friends are from Milton. We live, we drink coffee, we sleep in little beds.

We are just like you only maybe not as close.



I love...
apple juice, cookies, warm summer mornings, books, cotton fibers, pastel coffee mugs, holidays, flowers, French,  rainy days, fresh laundry smell.

I also love playing Earthbound!



People who smell like pea soup.


- I like flowers. Girls like flowers.

- I like comic books- ones with crazy stories in them. That is a sure win.

- I need spray paint... to umm... decorate. Girls are totally into that decorating crap.

- I have my eyes on Leonard Cohen's new book of poems.

- I like video games so make sure you buy lots of tokens for the arcade at the theater.

Recently bought CD:
The Breeders Last Splash- Third time buying this album and this time is for keeps!

Please leave me a message and I will bet back to you ASAP!


{} Greg
{} Sarah
{} Gail
{} Colin

designer : kathleen
image : jde

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Too True, too rude