Thursday, May 25, 2006

I was standing on the platform in the train station trying to go home. It seems almost ridiculous why I was still making this terrible commute everyday, yet here I was in the station trying to figure out which train was going to take me home. It was getting late and the only thing I was thinking about was returning to my small town home and away from the city, its noise and its confusion.
Standing next to me was a friend, if you want to call him that. Some times we would take the train together and share in our silly conversations of our day and ho working in such annoyingly tall buildings does a number on your body. It’s the whole artificial environment deal- fake air, fake light, fake everything and this is what they want us to thrive in. He didn’t live in my town, he lived beyond the realms of suburbia in an imitation city of sorts, yet we sometimes took the same train together. After years or traveling the same rail together we had ourselves a charming relationship of riding the rails together and sometimes, when the trains were late, we would grab drinks in the nearby station pub while we awaited the next car. It never occurred to me at anytime before this to take anything further then what we already had.
Yet tonight, loneliness had gotten the better or me and in a whirlwind moment of desire I asked him to come home with me.
He looked back at me rather reluctantly and simply said no. He got on a different train- one I have never seen him get on before, and I stood on the platform and watched as it pulled out of the station.
Shortly there after, I woke up in my bed. The dream had ended and I pulled the sheets over my face to block out the sun beating through my open window.
Was I dreaming? Am I dreaming? I have no control over what happens when I lie down at night. Am I telling myself something?

The Broadcasting advert hit the pages of the Halton Compass yesterday soaking up and in the ink from the presses. Already the gallery phone is ringing off the hooks of people inquiring if tickets will be needed for the evening’s show. Excitement is bubbling away. I run home to my apartment with a rush to assist my next series of plans.
I get in, scratch Scoot behind the ears and plop down to my computer, my myspace page loads and starts wailing Sonic Youth’s newest song and I wave my head to the beat. I love this, I want this on always- its better then coffee. I pull up my outlook calendar.

Outlook for AnnK Master of Lowest of the Nine Mayan Hells
May 27th Saturday- Farmers Market with Sarah- Paint Boss Man’s Large Painting with much love
June 3rd Saturday- Kids Fest at Victoria Square Park. Use long canvas to get park scenes
June 8th Thursday- Big Art Show. Plans to get wicked drunk
June 10th Saturday- Arts Fest on Main Street with the DCMC collective.”

I scratch my head and look at the DCMC and gurn. I know Inkz hates that acronym, but it fits in so well to what kind of artists we are inside. I close my eyes and fall back into my chair and think of what my outlook used to look like 5 years ago…

Outlook for Kornflake the Bringer of Hope and the Voice of Reason
Monday at the Disco Club
Tuesday at the Disco Club
Wednesday at the Disco Club
Thursday at the Disco Club
Friday at the Disco Club
Saturday at the Disco Club
Sunday at the Disco Club
Every day’s a Disco Club.”

I almost forgot that at one point I was a Kornflake girl.
My phone rings as I start writing up my response to DCMC. It’s my ass editor on the phone returning my call. Looks like its going to be another one of those weeks….

“I cannot blame you my love- I am sitting here alone because this love affair aint what it was, oh child, I don’t know….”
I guess I will be always what I knew I was going to be. The Desperado in the streets with my eyes slanted towards the horizon. There is no point in planning for these instances because I know very well that everything changes. The only thing I can take stock in is the bind that holds me to certain people as I choose my path and walk off alone into the desires of the world around me. I’ll show them all- I’ll show you! I’ll be the best in flash and furry remaining calm in the whirlwind of the storm.

@ Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It’s almost three weeks until ROUND TWO of the onslaught of Sarah and AnnK art on the community of Milton. We are thinking up all sorts of fun ideas to do for the show so every little detail to even how we look will not go unturned or unnoticed. I even did a drastic change to my block with a razor Saturday morning- sliced the frocks for a stupid mop and strained the colour out until it could take no more. JR thinks I have become obsessive with altering my hair since I have switched it often in the past few weeks. I call it “reaching a comfort level” since it was hard to accept certain things I had to do.
Yeah. I had to do it. I had to trade in the length for something more manageable and adult. Do you like it? I’ll know if everyone ruffles their hands thru it because that’s what I like to do.
The last few weeks at the Compass have been one drudging endeavour to another (giggles). I make headlines and front page news this week with my story on PERL’s environmental fight against the Nelson Quarry in North Burlington. This all came after learning they acted in illegal drudging of a nearby wetlands and destroyed/replanted endangered Butternut Trees. For a feature reporter, any hard news stories are big and what couldn’t be bigger then big corporate industry violating sacred environmental land? The only side that I can take (without fear of sounding too bias) is that I love the escarpment because of its wonder and enchantment it holds within its rock face.
Needless to say I have been quite busy and sometimes I ask myself the big question: “Social life? WHAT social life? I am a reporter- that’s as big as it gets.”
I pop on a 2000 mix from Speedy J and start working in small steps. I am working so hard and for so long in my office now my body is getting stiffer- reasons enough for my sleeping problems. I figure a little move every now and then is in order since I work so hard yet moving very little. It doesn’t matter if I am confined to my bedroom (though it feels kinda funny- after all you cant really hear the speakers that well in the kitchen with the sound set up). I just let the music flow through me and suddenly it’s just like old times. I am “old pro” and I slice through and back with a playful confidence. It will all come running back. It is programmed very well to snap into it and to work it because of the rewards. I still dance to my music. I just can’t say no to it. The fun part is just losing yourself in it. So lost, yet so close- borrowed and never returned. So close from what, I think
I dream a dream of a slender white stag moving in the distance. The stag will take on many forms yet I can track his steps and I stay close behind. You know when tracking such a prize you first must be able to show respect for it- because it is wonderful and it is eluding its death with such precision. You also must be able to not be overcome with its wonder to take it for yourself- since you know when you do the hunt will be over. You great search will be over and then… then what? Go on to the next big white prize until you are satisfied? One wasn’t enough? You must not have any doubts on what you choose- forever linger in love with a dream of reaching the prize or do what you set out to do and end the journey and arrive at the next best idea?
On another note, the ants are back. I got one corned in the bathroom and let him have the wrath of Scoot. What a dummy! I bet if I laid a live mouse in front of her she’d just smack it like a timid kitten and then toss it around foolishly in her jaws. It is disappointing she doesn’t know how to kill them fast enough. At least the mice haven’t shown up again.
Cleaning seems the only answer yet my time is all over the place and I dream when awake of falling back onto a soft mattress and closing my eyes for days, weeks, months… hands rubbing the kinks out of my sore back, my feet cooled and cleaned, a white linen sheet over my head that smells fresh, its 1 in the afternoon and the sun is blazing high in the sky and I am sleeping with a huge smile on my face yet wide awake- its one of those afternoons- and nothing can get me, I am doing what I dream of most and I don’t want to miss any of it- not for a minute.

@ Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I am a painter, I eat, sleep, talk. I slack, I do housework. I write stories, I watch TV, use the computer.
I hail from Milton, my friends are from Milton. We live, we drink coffee, we sleep in little beds.

We are just like you only maybe not as close.



I love...
apple juice, cookies, warm summer mornings, books, cotton fibers, pastel coffee mugs, holidays, flowers, French,  rainy days, fresh laundry smell.

I also love playing Earthbound!



People who smell like pea soup.


- I like flowers. Girls like flowers.

- I like comic books- ones with crazy stories in them. That is a sure win.

- I need spray paint... to umm... decorate. Girls are totally into that decorating crap.

- I have my eyes on Leonard Cohen's new book of poems.

- I like video games so make sure you buy lots of tokens for the arcade at the theater.

Recently bought CD:
The Breeders Last Splash- Third time buying this album and this time is for keeps!

Please leave me a message and I will bet back to you ASAP!


{} Greg
{} Sarah
{} Gail
{} Colin

designer : kathleen
image : jde

March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
October 2004
January 2005
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March 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
April 2009


Too True, too rude