Friday, February 18, 2005

i remember... the sesons you cant go outside and tuck away by the window waiting for the sadness to go away waiting for the time i must make good on those things i said, waiting by the street corner watching your car drive away "im sorry kid, i hate doing this, but forget you ever knew me. we had our adventures and we had our kicks, but the shits going down- its buring out of the sky all red and horrible, a zeplin roasting off in the chicken roaster in the sky, ha ha ah..." he laughs a few times and finnaly stops to look her. his face pulls down a moment, trying to read the plain bizzare way she sat and looked at him... all wild excited, a cat watching a pearched brid marking her time to strike. He makes a note to remeber that face, that look, that plain bizzare look for when he is older, the years gone and pushed back, the mucsle lost and faded from his body as it grows thin and brittle. "kid, you know you'll always be kid... you will always be a kid" his hands pushses her out of the car, it speeds down the road in a murdering pace, kicking up sand, hope and wonder for when will be the next time...
always waiting for the next time... that was a horrible wonderful time, wasnt it?
did it crush you when it was over? the adventures were over and the cool coast wind blew in the rain again and you hunted the roads, the city nights, chancing a look or a breath of something familar. but to keep looking there, that same place after all this time wont bring that back and going there will only horribly fash his smile in your eyes... cool electronic shocks bright blue and grey running through the main line curving the blood back in.
Girl's gotta have a running-boy, you gotta have a buddy. gotta trust the one next to you but never judge you, to hold you and protect you and come along for the ride.
its good that i have your back on this, oh yeah- its good i have your hands like this
oh you know you cant get far by acting like that! quit being so damn uptight and lets get in the car and get outside.

the ashtray is full of his brand in my apartment- something that stuck to me when i kicked around.

"and now that were thru- i just dont know what to do" i stand next to the smiling man and hollar back in the mic and into his ears "were getting older but i'm still a kid- youre a man still, still just a man."
"naw- i was always a kid too and now i wear it like a trench coat, baby"
the croud roars and cheers- red lights shine in my face, the bar smells of beer, peanuts and cheap colonge... im electic boots in the mohawk suit with the long brown hair tantalizing the stage lights- he looks off into the distance, blone hair thick running past his chin... at least he didnt get thinner...

@ Friday, February 18, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Western trees bare a strage fruit....

"All the weekend
Boyfriend was missing
I surely miss him
The way he'd hold me in his warm arms
We went insane when we took cocaine."

the mp3 player is on loop. body swining off the chair, arms behind trace the floor. people come in, go upstairs, leave again. footsteps. always footsteps. here is a fruit for the crows to pluck. and if you want you will take- its just your peferance that you ask first but i have always been a good neighbour- its apart of my behavior, my killing nature.
i wish you could see in your heart the way i see into it. i dont wanna! i dont wanna! i just wanna lead you down! I just wanna make you pay for looking at me like that with a fist in the eye and a shove in your chest.
lets go! Lets go- i wanna know cause i said so. i dare you cause i just wanna know. close your eyes, just think for a second... you think i am satans daughter? wanna know? comeon- lets go. i wanna be very entertained- hold me tight so i dont belive you- hold me tight and lie to me over and over and over. its just a silly fucking game and i dont care. comeon- lets go.
you think i have gone cheaper? simple? fuck you! You think this is for sale? I think your easy... very easy. i dont have to even try, just fake the whole thing thru.

@ Thursday, February 17, 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Jane passed away monday at 10am while in a deep coma. I found out what was goin on saturday morning and litteraly droped everything i was doing to go be by her side. I showed up in the hospital on sunday to her in a small room on the thrid floor of the building. she was heavily sedated, but woke up momentarily when my father, mother and i came in. I was told that she was in a lot of pain so i was not aloud to touch her and she because she was heavily medicated and she probably wouldn't respond if i said anything to her. I sat down in the chair, still with my coat on, and watched her- my eyes fixed to hers looking for a moment of clarity that i knew wouldn't come but still hopeful. i am always hopeful.
I sat there in the room with my mother and father for two hours watching her drift in her sleep, i watched her mumble and snooze in the afternoon and worked up the currage to find the beauity and wonder of this woman that I have always been delighted with. It was hard to put aside the chains of the hopsital garb and neckbrace she was in, but in moments, i saw that wonder and beauity that i have always loved about her. "Always be strong, Jane- always stronger then all of us- even in your worse moments" i kept thinking. I had to be strong, i refused to break down in front of my family for their well being and as i left i reached out and touched her foot and said "Goodbye, Grandma." and choked back my tears and knew those were going to be my last words for her.
i am sorry i couldnt have said things such as "I love you" or "You mean so much to me" or "you out of everyone have given me the strength to go on and to always be strong" but i knew if i had said those things i would have fallen apart and i didn't want to be weak that day.
It is thursday now- it's funny because it really hasnt soaked in yet. She has always been there and now that she isnt it's hard to realize that she's not. i am really horrible for coming to terms with events- i need months to really figure out things are over or that a matter is done and over with and that is justthe way i have always been. I will have my closure when everything is finished and she has been taken care of.
Mom and Sue whent thru the house the past three days I was stuck in suburbia. I wouldn't want that chore, but now i know what must be done of me when the time comes for myself to be care taker of my familys estate.
I told my mother a dark and scarry piece of my anger this evening- something i kept hidden from her for years now. Event's that happened after Orlando death that made me grow sour and twisted. my mother had no idea i was carrying such pain in my heart, but i told her there is a lot of pain that I still carry in me of things she has no idea about. I told her I was just being strong and she told me i shouldnt have to be the barrer of such pain but i didn't listen since that scar is deep and twisted in my heart and will never be fixed by me pineing it over to unwelcomed ears. She knows and understands of the injustice that has been on my head for the past 8 years of my life and is marvled at how i can keep myself together. I just work- put the pain into something productive and silently colapse over it when no one is around.
my mother said i was sneaky for the knowlage i had within me. I knew things that were only privlaged to her and Jane and when she asked me how i knew i simply said "I asked and i was told." Mom said "You could get a monk to spill his guts out, you know that- the way you can sit down with someone and get them to open us is astounding for a woman with an afuly large mouth." I gave her a wide-eyed smile and told her that it was safe and secret within me and passed on the information to pook when i got home.
pook is a good man. he understands everything. heh- you might not like him or understand him or his actions but i do. i see past the projected image and see the bountless wonder inside of him and i always saw that. Argue what you want, but i do my things for a reason and that is something to lose sleep over. i dont lose any sleep, though- i sleep next to him at night and know he understands and keep him in my pocket because there is no way out from there. he listened to my words that night and understood what was to be done of him when the moment comes up.
may that moment not come for years now.
"Oh- i almost forgot, Ann- there is one more thing that belongs to you." mom said reaching into a bag. She handed me the carving i made for Jane when i was 14 years old. That hurt the most- it was a realization that it was over and it was coming back to me. i never thought the carving would be mine again. it isn't even patiqulary great, but for the tools and skill of a 14 year old girl who has never carved wood before in her life it was amazing. i remeber i worked so hard on that piece, sanding it in my spare time, obessing over every little detail. I took it in my hadns and walked upstairs to my old room and stood in there looking at what my room has become holding it in my hands and then placed it on my old dresser. "no, not yet. i will be fill of sorrow and pain endlessly if i am to bring it home with me now." and walked out, leaving it on my dresser.
i cant belive she is really gone.

@ Thursday, February 03, 2005


I am a painter, I eat, sleep, talk. I slack, I do housework. I write stories, I watch TV, use the computer.
I hail from Milton, my friends are from Milton. We live, we drink coffee, we sleep in little beds.

We are just like you only maybe not as close.



I love...
apple juice, cookies, warm summer mornings, books, cotton fibers, pastel coffee mugs, holidays, flowers, French,  rainy days, fresh laundry smell.

I also love playing Earthbound!



People who smell like pea soup.


- I like flowers. Girls like flowers.

- I like comic books- ones with crazy stories in them. That is a sure win.

- I need spray paint... to umm... decorate. Girls are totally into that decorating crap.

- I have my eyes on Leonard Cohen's new book of poems.

- I like video games so make sure you buy lots of tokens for the arcade at the theater.

Recently bought CD:
The Breeders Last Splash- Third time buying this album and this time is for keeps!

Please leave me a message and I will bet back to you ASAP!


{} Greg
{} Sarah
{} Gail
{} Colin

designer : kathleen
image : jde

March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
October 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
April 2009


Too True, too rude